Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly Spotlight: Tomatoes

What better food to spotlight than one that's in season?

We always have these guys in our fridge, especially in the summer time, when they are in season! They are so good for you and so good in many many recipes!

Aside from their taste, and amazing meal versatility, here's what's so great about them:
For starters, tomatoes contain a major anti-oxidant component called Lycopene.  This compound will help prevent against cancer and will protect your cells against damage from free radicals.  However, you should make sure that you get organic tomatoes for this property, because their genetically modified friends only contain about 1/3 of the lycopene.  Organic ketchup even contains more!

Many studies have also been shown to prove that tomatoes help keep your prostate healthy (if you have one). But, they are even more effective when eaten broccoli and green tea. This is because  each food contains separate cancer fighting compounds that are responsible for preventing cancer in different ways. So for the best prostate cancer prevention, including the cancer fighting team of tomato, broccoli and green tea as an important and frequent part of the diet is a good idea!

Tomatoes also have many vitamins and nutrients that will help to lower the risk of heart disease.  They are rich in potassium, niacin, folate, and vitamin B6, which all help to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood clotting levels.

Vitamin K is also present in tomatoes, which is responsible for helping you maintain healthy bones. They also contain nutrients that help people who suffer from migraines and diabetes.

And the best way to eat them? 
Raw. Sure, there are awesome cooked tomato recipes, in fact I have one on my blog.  But, like most fruits and vegetables, all these nutrients that I just listed above, stay active when they are not cooked. When cooking them, you will still get some of the nutrients, but a significant amount less than when eating them raw.

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