Thursday, September 16, 2010

Weekly Spotlight: Strawberries

Last night, when we went grocery shopping, we decided to splurge and get some organic strawberries that were slightly on sale.  I was so excited. You don't understand though, berries are one of those things where if you can't get them organic, you shouldn't get them at all because they have the highest concentration of pesticide residue.  So I have been (not-so) patiently waiting ALL summer for organic berries to go on sale, cuz they can put a dent in your wallet if your not careful.  Strawberries have to be one of my favorite fruits too, so my excitement of finally getting organic strawberries was almost on the level of weird. 

Aside from their taste, strawberries have a lot of excellent nutritional properties to them:
One of their most famous nutritional qualities is their potency of Vitamin C.  These guys are great to eat for fighting and preventing colds, and also help the symptoms of hay fever. So eating them regularly can help to ensure a strong immune system. 

Their anti-inflammatory agents found in the Vitamin C help against arthritis.

All berries are great sources of antioxidants, which will reduce the amount of free radicals in your system, preventing dangerous cell damage; thereby preventing cancerous cells from appearing. 

Strawberries also contain antioxidant polyphenols, which help preserve brain function, eyesight and other forms of macular degeneration.  So if you want to keep a youthful brain, keep strawberries on hand for a snack. 

Tips for use: 
First, select the ones that are the deepest in color. This means that they are fully ripe and contain the most nutrients. They are also the most tasty.  Also, watch out for spoilage (mold in the packaging, juice from squished strawberries, etc.)

Don't slice them until just before consuming.  Once strawberries are sliced, their vitamin C compounds start to break down.  

Eat them fresh. Cooking fruits (eg: breads and stews) will significantly reduce their nutritional content because they cannot withstand high temperatures.  

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