Saturday, October 30, 2010

Today's Tip: How to Cut a Pineapple

I was inspired to do this one when I overheard three of my aunts at a family gathering talking about how they each cut a pineapple...and they were all different. I wanted to jump in and tell them how I do it, and how my way is the easiest (like a ten yr old brat), but what the heck for? So since there are so many ways to cut a pineapple, I realize that many of you may already have your own style.. stick with it if it works for you! For the rest, I hope this helps.  Sidenote: I went a little picture crazy on this one... so I'm gonna let the pictures do most of the talking (because who doesn't love pictures?).

First, cut your pineapple at the top like this:

Then, cut it at the bottom like this:

Now it should look like this:

Now cut it in half like this:

Now it should look like this:

Now cut the halves in half like this:

Now they should look like this:

Now cut off the hard core part like this:

Now they should look like this:

Now separate the skin(?) from the fleshy part like this:

And also like this:

Discard the skin like this:

Now they should look like this:

Now cut the fleshy part like this:

And then like this (you like my rebel pinkie in this pic?):

Now you have cute little 1 inch pineapple squares! :)

1 comment:

  1. Actually quite helpful! I usually just buy pre-cut pinapple because I've never found a real easy way to cut it. Now I have! Thanks!
